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Frequently Asked Questions

What treatments need a Patch Test?
All treatments that include, Tint or Henna require a patch test at least 24 hours before your booking.
What is the minimum booking amount?
I don’t have a minimum booking amount currently but I do need a non refundable booking fee to be paid before an appointment can be scheduled in my diary due to my very limited availability.

How often should I wax my Brows?
This varies slightly depending on the person, how ever usually every 4 weeks is a good starting point. This will help you create shape and definition, as well as get a good time frame in between treatments. If you want to then leave it longer, or move your appointment sooner you can.

Why do I need to have my Gel Polish removed?
Gel polish is applied and bonded to the top layer of the natural nail, when Gel polish is removed correctly it is dissolved off, causing no damage to the natural nail. When Gel Polish is picked or pulled of it will take with it at least the top layer of the nail plate, causing the nail  to weaken, this can also cause splitting and tearing of the nails. If this is done regularly this can also cause long term damage such as ridges and pitting on the nails. 

How often should I have my nails done in Gel Polish?
The best time frame I would recommend is every two weeks as a maximum. This is because the Gel polish will start to lift over time from wear and tear at the free edge or from products the hands and nails are exposed to as they grow. Going under this time frame can mean you are overexposing the nails and cuticles to remover, and going over this time can cause the gel to damage the nails by lifting at the free edge or cuticle area. 

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